• Opening Time : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Citizenship Requirements Refusals And More

Citizenship Requirements Refusals And More

There are two ways to become a Canadian citizen; either by birth, or through naturalization. In order to be a naturalized Canadian citizen, you must meet the following requirements:

Canadian Citizenship Requirements
Citizenship If Under 18 Years

If a minor (under 18) has a parent who is applying for Canadian citizenship, they can be listed in the application as well. They do not have to complete a citizenship test.

What Can Make You Ineligible For Citizenship?
Citizenship Language Requirement

In order to meet the citizenship language requirement, the minimum language abilities to be met are described in the regulations as the capacity to:

Note that written proficiency is not necessary.

Evidence of language proficiency must include one of the following:

Note that if you have completed language testing in the past (when you were applying for PR, for example), you can use past results even if they have expired.

Language tests approved by IRCC for citizenship application purposes are:

Citizenship Refusal

If your application for Canadian citizenship is refused, this decision may be appealed to the Federal Court of Canada.

It is imperative that you contact us for legal help. The first step in the appeal process involves filing a Notice of Application to the Federal Court within 30 days of receipt of the decision from Citizenship. This is a time sensitive matter.